The Dupont Circle ANC has been closely following city action on parking options for residents and visitors. I've been working with neighbors on Caroline Street to test new resident-only parking restrictions and see what impacts, positive or negative, they may have.
Today, DDOT released information on a new city-wide visitor parking program coming this fall. I wanted to share it and let you know that we will be following up to make sure that the neighborhood is aware of any further changes or instructions for obtaining a visitor parking pass.
Visitor parking is one of several general parking concerns in the area and we intend to discuss our neighborhood-wide options in the fall.
Today, DDOT released information on a new city-wide visitor parking program coming this fall. I wanted to share it and let you know that we will be following up to make sure that the neighborhood is aware of any further changes or instructions for obtaining a visitor parking pass.
Visitor parking is one of several general parking concerns in the area and we intend to discuss our neighborhood-wide options in the fall.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
New Visitor Parking Pass Program Will Be Available District Wide
(Washington, D.C.) The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) announced today that the Visitor Parking Pass (VPP) program will be available District wide to all Residential Parking Permit (RPP) eligible households and those in ANCs 1A, 1B and 1C.
The VPP program is designed to allow guests of District residents to park for more than two hours on RPP blocks. To see the list of RPP designated street blocks visit
The current pass expires September 30, 2013 and unlike previous years DDOT is no longer automatically mailing the pass to residents. Instead, residents will be required to apply for the pass through a simplified, user-friendly method made available through DDOT. In the coming weeks DDOT will be providing details on when and how residents will be able to apply for a VPP.
The new pass will be provided free of charge and will be valid for one-year; effective October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014. The VPP is only valid during the hours of RPP enforcement and only one pass will be available per household or specified unit. VPP remains valid only in the same ANC boundary as the residence.
Please Note: District residents cannot use a VPP in lieu of registering their vehicles with the District Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If residents who receive a pass have guests that stay overnight regularly, then the visitor must register their vehicle through the Registration of Out of State Automobile (ROSA) program once a Warning Citation is issued by DPW parking enforcement personnel. Residents will also continue to be able to obtain Temporary Parking Passes from Metropolitan Police Department stations for eligible vehicles.