On behalf of over 20,000 residents of Dupont Circle, ANC2B submitted a Community Impact Statement to the sentencing judge for the case of a serial robber who has been arrested almost 50 times.
According to our MPD District Commander, Gregory Teal is the most likely suspect for any theft from auto in our neighborhood. He has been arrested and convicted of dozens of crimes, but he seems to consistently wind up back in Dupont, Logan, Foggy Bottom and U Street smashing windows and stealing from cars. Recently, he was once against convicted of a felony and MPD asked us to submit a statement to the judge requesting a tough but fair sentence.
Kishan Putta and I requested comments from neighbors who have been victims of these types of crimes and submitted the statement below to Judge Stuart Nash. Mr. Teal could face up to ten years in prison and though he was not convicted of a violent crime, we thought a significant prison sentence was just. In the end, we requested:
According to our MPD District Commander, Gregory Teal is the most likely suspect for any theft from auto in our neighborhood. He has been arrested and convicted of dozens of crimes, but he seems to consistently wind up back in Dupont, Logan, Foggy Bottom and U Street smashing windows and stealing from cars. Recently, he was once against convicted of a felony and MPD asked us to submit a statement to the judge requesting a tough but fair sentence.
Kishan Putta and I requested comments from neighbors who have been victims of these types of crimes and submitted the statement below to Judge Stuart Nash. Mr. Teal could face up to ten years in prison and though he was not convicted of a violent crime, we thought a significant prison sentence was just. In the end, we requested:
...to sentence Gregory Teal to several years in jail. Please sentence him to at least two or three years to give our residents some minimal relief (and justice) and to show other criminals that such callous recidivism will not be tolerated in the District of Columbia.
You can read the full statement, which includes neighbors testimony, after the jump.