The Dupont Circle ANC met for the first time in 2015 on January 14th and voted on several important issues. Our final resolutions and letters will be up on our website next week, but in the meantime, below is a list of our votes for review. A personal highlight was to be re-elected chairman of the ANC by my colleagues!
Election of 2015 ANC2B Officers
Commissioner Warwick moved to nominate officers as a slate. Commission Smith as Chair, Commissioner Maltz as Vice-Chair, Commissioner Upright as Treasurer, and Commissioner Mann as Secretary. Seconded by Commissioner Underhill. Passed by acclimation.
Commissioner Silverstein nominated Will Stephens as Dupont Circle ANC Chairman Emeritus. Seconded by Commissioner Feldstein. Passed 9-0.
Meeting Minutes & Work Calendar
Approval of December 2014 Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve pending technical corrections, seconded by Commissioner Warwick. Passed 9-0.
Election of 2015 ANC2B Officers
Commissioner Warwick moved to nominate officers as a slate. Commission Smith as Chair, Commissioner Maltz as Vice-Chair, Commissioner Upright as Treasurer, and Commissioner Mann as Secretary. Seconded by Commissioner Underhill. Passed by acclimation.
Commissioner Silverstein nominated Will Stephens as Dupont Circle ANC Chairman Emeritus. Seconded by Commissioner Feldstein. Passed 9-0.
Meeting Minutes & Work Calendar
Approval of December 2014 Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve pending technical corrections, seconded by Commissioner Warwick. Passed 9-0.
Request by Fresh Farms Market on Vermont Avenue for Letter of Support
Commissioner Feldstein moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Nichols. Passed 8-0.
Alcoholic Beverage Control Agenda
MS 1901, LLC t/a Melt Shop (#97642) for a stipulated and new Retail DR license at 1901 L Street NW. Fast casual artisan sandwiches, tater tots, soup, milkshakes, etc. Establishment will have 30 seats inside with approximately 10 sidewalk cafe seats. Hours 11 am to 9 pm Sunday through Saturday. (2B06)
Commissioner Maltz moved to support the stipulated license based on selling just a beer and wine, early closing at 9pm, and full hours of serving food, seconded by Commissioner Nichols. Passed 8-0.
Commission takes no action on the permanent full license.
Consideration of resolution for ABC Board to Address Recent Violence at Heritage India/Zanzibar at 1901 Pennsylvania Ave NW (ABRA-90050) (2B06)
Commissioner Smith moved to adopt the letter, seconded by Commissioner Maltz. Passed 8-0.
Discussion of West Dupont Moratorium Zone and Appointment of Working Group
Commissioner Warwick moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Smith. Passed 7-0-2. The resolution reads as follows:
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B appoints the following members to the ad-hoc created West Dupont Moratorium Working Group in order to create an impact driven and neighbor focused community engagement process regarding the future of the West Dupont Moratorium Zone.
1. Daniel Warwick (Commissioner, 2B02), Chair
2. Mike Feldstein (Commissioner, 2B01)
3. Patrick Kain
4. Karyn Robinson
Consideration of Resolution on Prioritizing the Reduction of Noise from Liquor-licensed Established – Commissioners Nichols and Warwick.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Warwick. Passed 8-0-1. Commissioner Silverstein abstains. The resolution reads as follows:
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B asks you to take act in early 2015 to address the disturbance to peace order and quiet created by amplified music emanating from on-premises alcoholic beverage retailers.
First, we believe the agencies responsible for enforcing noise laws at liquor-selling establishments should improve their enforcement of existing noise laws. We hope you will be leaders in interagency collaboration among the Alocholic Beverage Regulation Authority (ABRA), the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA), and the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD). The 2014 ABRA noise task force is a starting place from which to draw experience to improve the effectiveness of noise enforcement.
Second, as diminishing noise from liquor selling establishments is a crucial quality of life concern for those who live, work, and play in The District, we believe now is also the time to study ways to systemically improve the noise laws and regulations that govern noise related to alcohol establishments.
While Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B contains just 3% of DC residents, we have a disproportionate number of liquor selling establishments in our ANC. We look forward to working with you to establish a framework for noise control in the District.
Historic Preservation & Zoning Applications
1330 Connecticut Ave NW. Historic preservation review for significant alterations to front, rear and side facades and use of public space. (2B07)
Commissioner Underhill moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Warwick. Passed 9-0. The resolution reads as follows:
Whereas 1330 Connecticut Avenue has come before the ANC 2B Zoning Preservation and Development (ZPD) committee;
Whereas the project presented will be a new design that would require an alteration of the existing terms of the Planned Unit Development;
Whereas the new design presented better activates the pedestrian experience;
Therefore, ANC 2B is willing to support the project contingent upon demonstrating the following conditions:
(1) ANC 2B is notified of any changes to the Planned Unit Development (“PUD”).
(2) The project team consults with and reaches consensus with ANC 2B on a Memorandum of Understanding regarding construction.
(3) ANC 2B is notified of any material changes to the design.
1734 R Street NW. HPA 15-059 (2B03)
Commissioner Maltz moved to request a one month delay, seconded by Commissioner Upright. Passed 9-0. The resolution reads as follows:
Whereas the applicant has not yet adequately notified neighbors of this project, but has expressed interest in working with the neighbors to obtain their input.
Therefore, ANC2B request a one month delay of the hearing of this case so that the input of neighbors can more appropriately be weighed. The delay is supported by the applicant.
1601 18th Street NW. BZA 18903 (2B03)
Commissioner Maltz moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Underhill. Passed 9-0. The resolution reads as follows:
Whereas 1601 18th Street NW is requesting a special exception to bring the existing usage into compliance with the applicable laws;
Whereas the tenants will be continuing to use the space in the same manner as it is currently being utilized;
Therefore; ANC2B supports the change of use formality.
2138 O Street NW. HPRB application for rear addition. (2B06)
Commissioner Silverstein moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Mann. Passed 9-0. The resolution reads as follows:
Whereas the project is within the existing character and nature of the block and not setting a new precedent;
Whereas the applicant has letters of support from the neighbors at both 2128 and 2132 O Street NW;
Therefore, ANC 2B is willing to support the project contingent upon demonstrating the following conditions:
(1) Meeting a flag test for the renovation that demonstrations that the addition would not be visible from O St. and
(2) Proof of outreach to the building across the street neighbors.
Motion to Congratulate John Jedzink on his election as Chair of the DCC
Commissioner Feldstein moved to approve subject to letter being drafted, seconded by Commissioner Smith. Adopted without opposition.
Appointment of Standing Zoning, Preservation, and Development Committee
Commissioner Warwick moved to establish committee & nominate members & to assign the task of re-purposing itself to the committee, seconded by Commissioner Smith. Passed 9-0. The resolution reads as follows:
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B hereby appoints a standing committee to help the full ANC with issues regarding individual zoning and historic preservation applications as well as policy issues regarding development impacting the Dupont Circle neighborhood.
The following members will be appointed to the committee:
Daniel Warwick (Commissioner 2B02), Co-Chair
Mike Feldstein (Commissioner 2B01), Co-Chair
Stephanie Maltz (Commissioner 2B03)
Michael Upright (Commissioner 2B04)
Noah Smith (Commissioner 2B09, Chair ANC 2B – ex oficio)
Patrick Smith
Michael Biedler
Chris Furlong
Cathy Brooker
Members of the previous session’s committee who have not been reappointed will be invited to the February meeting of the ZPD committee as full members of the committee and may ask to be reappointed for the March ZPD meeting.
Administrative Matters
Treasurer’s Report Quarterly Report 1 FY15 Started with 77,680.70 ended 79,301.61
Commissioner Maltz moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Upright. Passed 9-0.
Approval of $25 to participate in the ANC Security Fund
Commissioner Upright moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Maltz. Passed 9-0. The resolution reads as:
Request for reimbursement to Will Stephens for $52 for ANC charges
Commissioner Maltz moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Smith. Passed 8-0-1.
Request for reimbursement to Mike Silverstein for $60 for Name Plates
Commissioner Smith moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Upright. Passed 9-0.
Request for pre-approval for Noah Smith to Purchase Business Cards up to $500
Commissioner Upright moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Mann. Passed 8-0-1.
Request by Fresh Farms Market on Vermont Avenue for Letter of Support
Commissioner Feldstein moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Nichols. Passed 8-0.
Alcoholic Beverage Control Agenda
MS 1901, LLC t/a Melt Shop (#97642) for a stipulated and new Retail DR license at 1901 L Street NW. Fast casual artisan sandwiches, tater tots, soup, milkshakes, etc. Establishment will have 30 seats inside with approximately 10 sidewalk cafe seats. Hours 11 am to 9 pm Sunday through Saturday. (2B06)
Commissioner Maltz moved to support the stipulated license based on selling just a beer and wine, early closing at 9pm, and full hours of serving food, seconded by Commissioner Nichols. Passed 8-0.
Commission takes no action on the permanent full license.
Consideration of resolution for ABC Board to Address Recent Violence at Heritage India/Zanzibar at 1901 Pennsylvania Ave NW (ABRA-90050) (2B06)
Commissioner Smith moved to adopt the letter, seconded by Commissioner Maltz. Passed 8-0.
Discussion of West Dupont Moratorium Zone and Appointment of Working Group
Commissioner Warwick moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Smith. Passed 7-0-2. The resolution reads as follows:
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B appoints the following members to the ad-hoc created West Dupont Moratorium Working Group in order to create an impact driven and neighbor focused community engagement process regarding the future of the West Dupont Moratorium Zone.
1. Daniel Warwick (Commissioner, 2B02), Chair
2. Mike Feldstein (Commissioner, 2B01)
3. Patrick Kain
4. Karyn Robinson
Consideration of Resolution on Prioritizing the Reduction of Noise from Liquor-licensed Established – Commissioners Nichols and Warwick.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Warwick. Passed 8-0-1. Commissioner Silverstein abstains. The resolution reads as follows:
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B asks you to take act in early 2015 to address the disturbance to peace order and quiet created by amplified music emanating from on-premises alcoholic beverage retailers.
First, we believe the agencies responsible for enforcing noise laws at liquor-selling establishments should improve their enforcement of existing noise laws. We hope you will be leaders in interagency collaboration among the Alocholic Beverage Regulation Authority (ABRA), the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA), and the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD). The 2014 ABRA noise task force is a starting place from which to draw experience to improve the effectiveness of noise enforcement.
Second, as diminishing noise from liquor selling establishments is a crucial quality of life concern for those who live, work, and play in The District, we believe now is also the time to study ways to systemically improve the noise laws and regulations that govern noise related to alcohol establishments.
While Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B contains just 3% of DC residents, we have a disproportionate number of liquor selling establishments in our ANC. We look forward to working with you to establish a framework for noise control in the District.
Historic Preservation & Zoning Applications
1330 Connecticut Ave NW. Historic preservation review for significant alterations to front, rear and side facades and use of public space. (2B07)
Commissioner Underhill moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Warwick. Passed 9-0. The resolution reads as follows:
Whereas 1330 Connecticut Avenue has come before the ANC 2B Zoning Preservation and Development (ZPD) committee;
Whereas the project presented will be a new design that would require an alteration of the existing terms of the Planned Unit Development;
Whereas the new design presented better activates the pedestrian experience;
Therefore, ANC 2B is willing to support the project contingent upon demonstrating the following conditions:
(1) ANC 2B is notified of any changes to the Planned Unit Development (“PUD”).
(2) The project team consults with and reaches consensus with ANC 2B on a Memorandum of Understanding regarding construction.
(3) ANC 2B is notified of any material changes to the design.
1734 R Street NW. HPA 15-059 (2B03)
Commissioner Maltz moved to request a one month delay, seconded by Commissioner Upright. Passed 9-0. The resolution reads as follows:
Whereas the applicant has not yet adequately notified neighbors of this project, but has expressed interest in working with the neighbors to obtain their input.
Therefore, ANC2B request a one month delay of the hearing of this case so that the input of neighbors can more appropriately be weighed. The delay is supported by the applicant.
1601 18th Street NW. BZA 18903 (2B03)
Commissioner Maltz moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Underhill. Passed 9-0. The resolution reads as follows:
Whereas 1601 18th Street NW is requesting a special exception to bring the existing usage into compliance with the applicable laws;
Whereas the tenants will be continuing to use the space in the same manner as it is currently being utilized;
Therefore; ANC2B supports the change of use formality.
2138 O Street NW. HPRB application for rear addition. (2B06)
Commissioner Silverstein moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Mann. Passed 9-0. The resolution reads as follows:
Whereas the project is within the existing character and nature of the block and not setting a new precedent;
Whereas the applicant has letters of support from the neighbors at both 2128 and 2132 O Street NW;
Therefore, ANC 2B is willing to support the project contingent upon demonstrating the following conditions:
(1) Meeting a flag test for the renovation that demonstrations that the addition would not be visible from O St. and
(2) Proof of outreach to the building across the street neighbors.
Motion to Congratulate John Jedzink on his election as Chair of the DCC
Commissioner Feldstein moved to approve subject to letter being drafted, seconded by Commissioner Smith. Adopted without opposition.
Appointment of Standing Zoning, Preservation, and Development Committee
Commissioner Warwick moved to establish committee & nominate members & to assign the task of re-purposing itself to the committee, seconded by Commissioner Smith. Passed 9-0. The resolution reads as follows:
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B hereby appoints a standing committee to help the full ANC with issues regarding individual zoning and historic preservation applications as well as policy issues regarding development impacting the Dupont Circle neighborhood.
The following members will be appointed to the committee:
Daniel Warwick (Commissioner 2B02), Co-Chair
Mike Feldstein (Commissioner 2B01), Co-Chair
Stephanie Maltz (Commissioner 2B03)
Michael Upright (Commissioner 2B04)
Noah Smith (Commissioner 2B09, Chair ANC 2B – ex oficio)
Patrick Smith
Michael Biedler
Chris Furlong
Cathy Brooker
Members of the previous session’s committee who have not been reappointed will be invited to the February meeting of the ZPD committee as full members of the committee and may ask to be reappointed for the March ZPD meeting.
Administrative Matters
Treasurer’s Report Quarterly Report 1 FY15 Started with 77,680.70 ended 79,301.61
Commissioner Maltz moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Upright. Passed 9-0.
Approval of $25 to participate in the ANC Security Fund
Commissioner Upright moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Maltz. Passed 9-0. The resolution reads as:
Request for reimbursement to Will Stephens for $52 for ANC charges
Commissioner Maltz moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Smith. Passed 8-0-1.
Request for reimbursement to Mike Silverstein for $60 for Name Plates
Commissioner Smith moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Upright. Passed 9-0.
Request for pre-approval for Noah Smith to Purchase Business Cards up to $500
Commissioner Upright moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Mann. Passed 8-0-1.