The ANC2B Transportation and Public Infrastructure Committee is meeting this Thursday June 5th at 7pm at the Dupont Circle Resource Center (see map below). The agenda and minutes from the last meeting are available for download here:

tpi_committee_agenda_6-5-14.pdf |

tpi_committee_meeting_minutes_4-23-14.pdf |
Last month we set our goals for 2014 (available in the minutes of the April meeting) and I am extremely excited to report on our progress. We will spend much of our time discussing:
We've also added a specific parking consideration that was brought to our attention by a resident of 2B05. The Presidential Condominium is requesting our support to include their block in the Residential Parking Program. Its an interesting topic and I think the committee is the perfect place for the discussion.
I hope to see you on Thursday evening!
- Developing parking problem statements so we have clear goals in mind
- The ANC2B parking survey
- Identifying the process to expand on-street recycling
We've also added a specific parking consideration that was brought to our attention by a resident of 2B05. The Presidential Condominium is requesting our support to include their block in the Residential Parking Program. Its an interesting topic and I think the committee is the perfect place for the discussion.
I hope to see you on Thursday evening!