Hey there and thanks for visiting this site dedicated to the residents, businesses and neighborhood of ANC 2B09 in Dupont Circle. Here I'll provide updates with information on upcoming meetings, events in the neighborhood, and post discussion topics.
Our Commissioner since 2000, Ramon Estrada, has had a blog for several years and I've found his updates on neighborhood issues very helpful. I hope he continues to blog and I hope to add to the discussion through this site.
Every post will include opportunities for folks to comment and discuss issues. Though nothing can replace face-to-face interaction, I hope that this site will help to inform and excite the neighborhood.
If there is anything I can do for you as your Commissioner (starting in January) or if have an idea for a post, please reach out to me anytime by clicking "Contact" above.
Thanks again!
Our Commissioner since 2000, Ramon Estrada, has had a blog for several years and I've found his updates on neighborhood issues very helpful. I hope he continues to blog and I hope to add to the discussion through this site.
Every post will include opportunities for folks to comment and discuss issues. Though nothing can replace face-to-face interaction, I hope that this site will help to inform and excite the neighborhood.
If there is anything I can do for you as your Commissioner (starting in January) or if have an idea for a post, please reach out to me anytime by clicking "Contact" above.
Thanks again!